Are you attending the NYSBS Show? Can you spare some time to volunteer? We have opportunities for as little as 1 hour to just a few hours. In the Judging Room on Saturday, there is an opportunity to learn through volunteering. Sounds fantastic, right? Spend an hour (or more) helping with the judging process. We always need clerks, judges, runners, and clerical help. You don’t need a lot of judging experience or button knowledge. Help is always needed sharpening pencils, stapling on ribbons, hanging trays, etc. and you’ll learn something about the judging process just by observing what goes on in the judging room. For more info or to volunteer, contact Linda Hickey.
Another opportunity is on Friday or Saturday for just 1 hour to welcome attendees at the registration table and sell raffle tickets. This is the first year we are combining the Registration and Raffle tables and asking for 2 volunteers per shift. The best part of taking a shift at the registration/raffle table is taking a break from shopping and sitting while chatting with new collectors and old friends. This is also a great opportunity for a spouse who isn’t a collector but has tagged along, to help. Please consider signing up for a slot. Here is the sign-up.