It’s Time to Renew Your Annual Membership to the New York State Button Society
Your New York State Membership renewal for 2025 is due at the end of October. Please renew on time so you don’t miss receiving your New York State Button Society Winter bulletin! Visit the Membership tab for details.

Read the latest edition of the Northeast Regional Button Association Newsletter. Details about the 2025 show and winners from the 2024 Competition.

Twenty-five Enjoy the Western New York Button Picnic in Varysburg. 
Read about the event and check out the photos. Thanks to the Genesee Valley Club for hosting!

The July 2024 Edition of the NYSBS Bulletin is Out!
What’s Inside:
–Introducing Bob Elliott, NYSBS 2nd VP
–Marquetry Button Artist Everett Hartman
–A Look Back at the 2024 Show
–2025 Preliminary Awards
–Spotlight on Collector Becky Vogel
–My Button Buddy by Lynda Gaetano
–Using Buttons to Reach Out to Seniors
–A Crafty Creation with Brown Buttons by Cathy Parke
Not a member yet? Join so you can get a hardcopy bulletin twice a year –  Membership is just $15.00 / year.

The Preliminary Awards List for 2025 Announced!
The Awards list is posted on the “2025 Show and Awards” page. There are lots of interesting awards to try for including a fun and new creative challenge. Check it out! To compete, you must be a member of the NYS Button Society.

Summary of Button Show in Binghamton, NY
We eased on down the button road at our annual show, which wrapped up at noon on Sunday, April 28th. It was a great success with many button purchases, an exciting auction, and an excellent and informative presentation by our guest speaker Richard Price. Read the summary of the show and photos from the 3 day event

Button Collection Displayed at The Gates Public Library in Rochester, NY 
Linda Hickey, President of the Rochester Button Club took advantage of the opportunity to showcase some of her button collection and included the contact information to learn more. This is how we spread the word about our hobby! Thank you Linda!

Collecting stories about why people collect buttons for posting here. 
Please consider filling out the  Button Collector Interview Form. You can answer the questions for yourself, or call a button friend, and ask them the interview questions.
Responses will be collected and posted here, for all to see. 




We have clubs throughout the state where you can learn about button makers, types, materials, and their fascinating history.



Learn the best way to preserve, care for, and store buttons based on the material(s) the button is made of. Discover how to tell when a button has “gone bad.”

In 2017, the Albany Times Union wrote a feature article about how volunteers from local button clubs are helping to preserve the Capital Region’s button history in Troy, NY.  Check it out.



We share our knowledge in our communities with exhibits, shows, and talks.

Joining a club brings you directly into a community of button lovers who are eager to share their knowledge of these miniature works of art.



Ours Juniors making Button Necklaces for a Mother’s Day gift.
From left: Sarah, Liam, Sophia, Chloe, Neil, Audrey & Teigan.  Missing from the picture but, still made a necklace is Esme.