by June Kosier

I am Gretel of the button world. Let me explain.

A few years ago, I was to drive my car in the Troy, NY Flag Day parade for the Van Rensselaer Chapter of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). My car was new and blue. We decorated it with red, white and blue patriotic decorations including Uncle Sam images and especially flags. Troy, NY is the official home of Uncle Sam.

I had the brilliant idea (much to my husband’s dismay) to decorate my license plate holder frames with red, white and blue buttons. I included Uncle Sam, flag and DAR letter buttons. They looked great.

After that, I decorated the frames with flower buttons for the summer. (My husband just loved switching the holders for me each time.) It never occurred to me to make Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas or even winter license plate frames. I guess I better get busy and make Easter ones now.

The flower holders are still on the car with what buttons haven’t fallen off. My driveway is full of flower buttons which I intend to pick up and re glue on my current frames once the weather cooperates.

When I describe my car to someone who I am meeting, I always say “It is a blue Mazda with buttons around the license plate.” I don’t think there are many cars like this.

I recently went to the cemetery where my father is buried to change the winter flowers on his grave to spring flowers. As I opened the car door, I had to laugh. There on the ground was one of the flower buttons off my license plate frames. I was soon standing in the cemetery laughing my head off.

I have visions of roadways that I frequent with my flower buttons along the way. Since I don’t have GPS, I guess I will be able to backtrack home, if I get lost, following the buttons.



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